Do you see the light


Finally today, with most of the work winding down on our southern facade, the shutters were opened up again. After 10 days of darkness, it's quite a relief to have our house full of light again.

Not only did the shutters come open, they came off. I got myself a new orbital sander, and set to work, just in case we ever do decide what color to paint them.


Every day the color of the wall, the color of the grout that so bothered me, improves. In the light of day now, it's settling into a light comfortable tan, which I like a lot better than the over-orangey wet color it had been before. The problem for you, dear reader, is that all day when the light is best for shooting it, Nicolas' van is parked occlusively in front of it. And when he goes, it's not the best light. So be patient with the images, a good one will come along one of these days. And keep in mind also that the closest part of the wall in this pic is the most recently done, ie still wet. The real color as it's evolving is really only in the distance over the garage door.


Also today, Kepler marked his territory a bit. With a little help. He was afraid of the cement, so we had to coax him.


Now I know what you're thinking: "They cut off that poor child's hand in order to use it as a pattern stamping tool." And you're right. But never fear. We reattached it with ease.


Tomorrow is really a turning point in the stonework. Literally. With the southern face mostly completed, Nicolas & Son begin on the eastern facade of the house. They're gonna start below the verandah and attack the bottom floor first with their picks and sandblasters. Ooooo. Only then, last but not least, will they move upstairs and do our front wall on the verandah itself.

And now, I'm going out to do some more sanding. I like my new power tool.

Posted on December 08, 2005