Pounding away

Remember this guy?


Well he's back, and meaner than before.


Oooo. Wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley.

Notice the hole in the wall, still as it was, only now with some additional floor protection. Yup. That's ikea cardboard, just like the professionals use, plus a sheet of plastic, just for fun.

You see, after we realized we had no easy way of carting off all the rubble which the demolition of the wall would entail, we decided to ask a real builder for a quote. But he wanted $1000 for the job. Right. So we invested $30 in some plastic trash bins, $15 in some plastic sheeting, and $3 in some very irritating face masks, and voila:


Have you met my wife?


We pounded and pounded, until the wall was gone.



When the dust had settled (and there was a lot of dust), we filled the bins with rubble. Four big bins, five trips to the dump. Then we had to get rid of the doors, and the doorframe, and that piece of wood that served as the base of the wall. And guess what? We have a magnificent new bedroom! 16 feet square, great light, a fireplace, and spectacular views over the Dordogne valley. What's not to like?


Now if we could only get our hands on the shipment from Chicago, we'd finally have a bed. But slowly, slowly, things are getting done.

Posted on November 03, 2005 | Comments (2)