Car #3: Xsara1

Carlos called today. Apparently has had a buyer for Xsara, and so Xsara had to go. I was afraid that Kepler would be unhappy since Xsara was his favorite color and he likes hugging her bumper so much, but I personally didn't mind, because Xsara was a pain to drive.

Or so I thought. Then we saw her replacement.


You have to be joking. A Renault 5 with 250,000 kms on her. It's funny how suddenly Xsara can seem like a new maserati in comparison. Appreciate what you have, right? Jeesh.

The handling on this beauty is horrible, no power anything, no radio, no nothing but an engine. And the back seat is so small that Kepler's chair only fits onto it at a weird angle.

Anyway, Kepler insists that this new vehicle, in memory of the great Xsara, be dubbed "Xsara1". Fair enough. We tried convincing him that her name was "Renault" but no, he won't hear of it. Nor will he entertain the notion that Xsara was Xsara1, and so this new car should be Xsara2. So Xsara1 she is. And so it goes.

But will it?

Posted on April 20, 2005